Thursday, January 14, 2016

Women in the Book: Pride and Prejudice

There is a clear difference between how women behave in the present day with the way the women are portrayed in the book: Pride and Prejudice.
Now women are allowed to work, and think and own their own business and choose who they want to marry or not. Back in the day, that was a dream for a woman, they were supposed to learn one artistic skill and they were seen lower than the men.

Jane Austin shows us a family that lived that way, but one of the daughters, Elizabeth is different than the rest because she is willing to fight for what she believes in and she doesn’t want to have her future planned out for her. Elizabeth learns from her dad, she is outspoken like he is and she is the complete opposite from her mother. Through the book, the author leads me to really like Elizabeth’s character and personally annoyed me with the sisters and mother’s one.
Why? Because they were only thinking about looking good for a man and that if they don’t marry they will die.
I think the mentality of the Mom and the sisters is just flat, because they are not trying to be the best version of themselves by learning or making their own decisions and letting someone to love them because of who they are and not because of the money. 
Elizabeth is different, she makes mistakes and recognize it, it takes for her a while to admit it but at the end she does, and she allowed herself to grow and to choose what she wanted in life.

Because it is a classic book it is hard to understand the words and you have to be paying good attention to the reading, because how they talked back then is not how we talk now.
So a good advice would be to have a dictionary next to you in order to look for a word that you don't know what it means. I thought that it was hard for me because English is not my first language so I tried it in Spanish, but it was the same thing. There were words that I had never heard before or that they are not used in literature that often any more.

Anyway Pride and Prejudice is a good book that tells us a different love story and that everyone that reads it probably would end up cheering for Elizabeth and in love with Mr. Darcy. 


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