Monday, April 18, 2016

Newsworld Assignment

1. Are there any prominent symbols in the story that you read? if so what are they and how are they used?

Personally I feel that there is an abstraction of the symbol of fear. We see that the attack of the airplanes just happened in NYC. and that this group of teenagers are trying to understand what is happening and that they are trying to be brave and go out and explore the theme park but that in the bottom of their hearts they are feeling confused and they don't know how to process all the information that is going on in the world.
Another symbol is the candle that Mason, a religious boy removed from his jacket pocket. This symbolizes faith and hope in a hard place.

2. What connections do you make with the story? Discuss the elements of the work with which you you were able to connect. 

I feel I am connected to the story in the fact that I didn't know what to do with the information of the airplanes hitting the towers that day. The news travel all the way to my country and I remember being in school and the teachers commenting about it but since it wasn't our country we didn't know exactly what to do with the information. At the end of course there was sadness because many life were lost in the event and it is always sad when there is a terrorist attack like this one.

3. What changes would you make to adapt this story into other medium? What medium would you use and what changes would you make? 

I think this piece of narrative can be adapted into a movie or a short film. If it is a movie, then there has to be more story into it. We need to have a backstory of the narrator, who is the main character and also we need to see more of a struggle inside the park and what happens after the guards find them. Right now, the piece feels incomplete lie if it is part of a book and we only have some of the pages, at the end I was asking myself now what? what happens to them? It would be interesting to see what happens, if the law is stronger after the attack or if the law is more concentrated in the terrorist attack that they are not paying attention to a group of teenagers who are being risky and not following rules.

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