Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Opinion, Critics, Points of Views = Respect?

Everyone has their own point of views depending on the way we were raised and the culture we lived in; and in a society that has been impacted by social media it is hard not to find an opinion.

We find many books, novels and newspaper columns where writers and people express what they think about a certain event or topic, and that is great! everyone is entitle to an opinion. The problem is when the opinion and the points of view of a person is not respected.
And this is a very sensitive topic, because I have read many post in Facebook or News about wishing to get freedom of points of view and opinions while attacking the oposite view.

We are all living in the same world and in order to live with each other without that many problems like we have right now, I think it is important that everyone respect other's opinions and points of views without attacking them. There is a way to dialogue and compare and contrast the different points of views, which means that the two parties should be willing to talk but also listen to the other person without interrupting them or trying to force their point of views.

We can't force someone to think the way we do, and we can force someone to change their opinion.... But there are ways to dialogue and learn from one an other.

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