Monday, February 29, 2016

Opinion on Hamlet

It was super cool! 
I thought it was very interesting the cinematography and the approach they did to recreate Hamlet.
I was a little worried that it was going to be too over exaggerated, since the play is written in a old-classic language. But in the videos, they are doing it just fine, they talk with passion but it is not over sell.

The cinematography and the way they did the sets was a success too. They had a very dark-desaturated set in most of the scenes, trying to portray mystery/elegance and drama. One of my favorite scenes was this one, where you could see the character, thanks to a blue-spotlight and the fog that was light blue/white. It gave a very mysterious feel and by using the lighting the way they did it, they made the textures of the armature pop out, which makes it very beautiful.   

The acting was very well deliver, I thought it was very interesting to see in some scenes they broke the fourth wall and they made the characters face the audience and deliver the lines like if they were having a conversation with them. All the actors were very into their characters and that made it believable for the audience. The choice of outfits was very interesting too because they didn't stick with one era's outfit but they explored and pushed it a little bit. 

Monday, February 22, 2016

Questions in Class

A Good Man is Hard to Findby Flannery O'Conno

What features of the story I read?

They are in a car, on they way to Florida. The spacial features of this story is the road they are driving through and how they are stopping in different towns to rest or eat.

What is the world Ethos?
Well they care about themselves they do not care about other people. They are usually annoyed by the grandmother and they take risks. It feels pretty empty and cruel to me. 

Strategies to convey the story to the reader.
He tries to be descriptive in the situation and how the characters interact with each other. He uses a place that exists like Florida and he makes fun of the fact that there are weird and funny news titles in the different cities in Florida. 

How the characters are connected in the story?
They are all family members. 
Except the murderer who is from Florida. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Opinion, Critics, Points of Views = Respect?

Everyone has their own point of views depending on the way we were raised and the culture we lived in; and in a society that has been impacted by social media it is hard not to find an opinion.

We find many books, novels and newspaper columns where writers and people express what they think about a certain event or topic, and that is great! everyone is entitle to an opinion. The problem is when the opinion and the points of view of a person is not respected.
And this is a very sensitive topic, because I have read many post in Facebook or News about wishing to get freedom of points of view and opinions while attacking the oposite view.

We are all living in the same world and in order to live with each other without that many problems like we have right now, I think it is important that everyone respect other's opinions and points of views without attacking them. There is a way to dialogue and compare and contrast the different points of views, which means that the two parties should be willing to talk but also listen to the other person without interrupting them or trying to force their point of views.

We can't force someone to think the way we do, and we can force someone to change their opinion.... But there are ways to dialogue and learn from one an other.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Literary Influences

We talked today about influences and how we are what we read. We also had a discussion about  who influences in the media. 

One thing that I have been thinking about is that literary influences, are very noticeable world wide, but that they can change from country to country or language. In Latin America, schools makes us read novels from Spanish writers. Ive had some conversations with some American friends about books that we read when we were in High School, and some titles match but others are different.
This is understandable, because of the different culture and language. It is interesting to see that some classics like Pride and Prejudice can be found in both cultures but maybe some titles like "Los Arboles mueren de pie" from Alejandro Casona is usually found in Latin American schools. 

It is interesting to see that there are some books that are know internationally but others vary from country to country.  Media allows writers to distribute their work in many languages and countries. This is amazing because now it is very easy to find a writer or a book on the internet and download the content to read it. Media and Internet is allowing people to grow on knowledge and it is giving the opportunity to learn about other countries and cultures and views. 

It is also important to remember that no one can force someone to grasp a view or a point. Ive seen many people trying to force someone to read a certain book or to accept certain philosophy and they are not successful. We can recommend books by talking about the reviews and our personal opinion. But its up to the other person to decide whether they want to read it and accept it or not. Its also very common that you read a book and never finish it because you don't accept the content or the author's point. and it is okay. We need to remember we can't force someone into reading, we can invite them to discover the wonderful mysteries and joy that reading a GOOD book brings.